when i first saw you i was afraid to meet you ,
when i first met you i was afraid to kiss you ,
when i first kissed you i was afraid to love you , but now that i love you im afraid to loose you ♥
bois ! love you so much tauk genduts .
i hate you when in fighting wif you , grrr ! sepak kauu hee -
kita shuka sangat gaduh en , tapi shait ja hish
heran toi lhaa , semlm gaduh agy knkn ? Last last baikbaik hoho .
12 . 03 . 2011
sayang ! sudah 1 year dengan hg tauk hehee , omeyh !
waiting gelepp lol , kita kuaa auww gie sambut huhuxs . jomjom !
shuka gilaa bila hg ckap ILOVEYOU , heheee comei !
sayng hg gilagila mia gendut !
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